Monday 18 July 2016

A Dying Seed

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” – John 12:24

 Tim has recently begun planting a little garden of vegetables and herbs. I love the image that John 12:24 describes. Ok, to be completely honest, I love the last part of the image that this verse describes. I love that when a single seed is planted somewhere, it’s purpose is to produce many more. That single seed, holds more potential inside it than can be seen from the outside.

From a single seed, a tree takes root and grows towards the sky.
From a single seed, when nurtured can produce sweet and delicious fruit.
From a single seed, many more are born.

However, the only way for anything to come of that single seed, is for it to be planted. And to be planted means it must first be put deep into the soil of the earth. And here is the part of the process that doesn’t feel as rewarding as the harvest. This is the part where the seed may forget its purpose and struggle with being on its own.

It’s here where the hard work needed to produce abundant life, takes root. And this is where the seed must die. Just like the germination process of a seed, our dreams, our vision, our purpose must die. This is because we are just a single seed in a great big garden. We may think we know who we are and what we are to do in this world… but we are the seed, not the gardener. The gardener knows. He knows our true purpose and he is the one who will nurture us into full maturity. All that is needed from us is to surrender anything that we put “my” in front of and to replace it with “God’s.” We are called to lay down “our” thoughts and take up “His” way. After all, isn’t his way better? God sees the big picture, when you only see the darkness and dirt surrounding you.

We have been in Uganda for over three weeks now and it’s been filled with adjusting to a new way of life, in every aspect. To be honest, it hasn’t been the easiest thing; missing family and friends, raising a baby in a foreign land and waiting on God for his plan to be revealed to us. Though none of these things are a shock, the weight of it is felt a whole lot more once you are planted in the ground. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and forget that we aren’t planted here on our own. The same God that planted us here, is with us and caring for us as a faithful gardener. He protects us from harm (insert: those nasty cockroaches) and will continue to provide for all of our needs. Yes, there are moments that are super uncomfortable, and yet it’s a small price to pay to know that our ultimate purpose it to bear fruit. We are in a waiting time … and in every stage of life, a “fully relying on God” time. We have been transplanted into this red dirt soil for a time and season such as this.

 And he is the same gardener that has planted you right where you are. He knows your needs and concerns, and he is watching over you. So whether you are in a time of dying beneath the heavy soil, on the verge of break through or dancing in full bloom and fruitfulness, know that you are not on your own. And though you may be a single seed in a great big garden, the gardener knows where you are and all you are meant to be. He will not walk away from that which he has planted for an incredible purpose and fruitfulness.

Trust the one who sees the potential, even when you cannot.

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