Our family (with a sleepy Silas) on the shore of the Sea of Galilee
Our fridge/ Acholi language bulletin board
Our Acholi language learning is coming along. With the help of our Acholi-English dictionary our apartment is now covered with post it notes in Acholi. (unfortunately the dictionary is Acholi-English so I couldn't simply look up the english word, we had to go through the entire dictionary searching for words we could use). After a little break on our Israel trip we're back at it and starting to learn some verbs and phrases. This past Sunday we had Watoto Children's Choir at our church and since a few of them were from Gulu we had a chance to practice some of the things we learned. Still a long ways to go but spending time on it now will give us a huge head start when we arrive in Uganda.
A snapshot of the beauty in Northern Uganda
We want to share a little with you each month about why we feel called to serve in Uganda. It begins, as all missions does, with the great commission, Matthew 28:19 "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. Uganda is a country alive with passion for Christ but lacking in discipleship. I once heard a pastor in Uganda quote the great commission "go and make converts" instead of disciples. This to me showed one of the major struggles in Uganda. Most sermons I've heard in Uganda focus on evangelism and don't take the next step of how we should live for Christ. This struggle is by no means unique to Christianity in Uganda but there is a lack of depth in following Christ. This is why our desire is to help disciple pastors and church leaders towards a deeper relationship with God so that they can lead their flock to do the same. The desire for a deeper walk with God is absolutely there, it only needs a few people to be leaders in showing what it looks like. Thank you for your prayers and financial support as we follow God's calling on our lives to help see this movement started.
For partners to connect with us through prayer and finances
For the final stage of the immigration process to be completed
For understanding and persevering through learning Acholi
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